A Warrior’s Mandate to Raise His Off-spring

Children are prone to copying
adults. They quickly learn any new things they see. Their analytical skill is
low but their memorization skill is higher than adults. Therefore, they do not
think before copying any action of they see without evaluating if it is right
or wrong. This is why it is never appropriate to curse or do wrongful actions in
front of children if you do not want them to copy it.

Children need sports as a method
of engaging in positive activity and leading an active lifestyle. Therefore,
never discourage your children from sports. Inspire them to get involved in
sports and create a risk-free environment for them to get involved in sporting

A Warrior’s Mandate to Raise His Off-spring

Teach children to deal with rejection.
If your children grow up not able to handle rejection, he/she will grow
manipulative techniques to get what they want. We teach our children that they
can get what they want with good behavior, but it is not true! And teaching
your children such ideas will plant a seed with wrong worldview, and they will
find it difficult to handle “no” when they grow up. So, to deal with that, they
will develop manipulative attitudes.  Instead,
teach them “you will not get everything you want”. This will introduce them with

Do not teach your children that “sorry”
would resolve everything. A lot of this generation thinks saying sorry or being
apologetic after breaking any rule is okay! This also inspires manipulation.
Manipulators use this to their advantage. Teach your children saying sorry always
is not okay, they need to go through the consequences of their actions.

Before watching any shows on TV, online
platforms, or films watch and analyze them beforehand. A lot of movies, tv
shows are promoting sexual content in disguise of child-appropriate content.
Big organizations like Disney, Pixar, and top YouTube platforms are pushing inappropriate
contents with the excuse of trans, or homosexual rights, that are clearly inappropriate
for children. If you don’t want your kids to get introduced to such ideas, you
should evaluate the content yourself first. Otherwise, your children will be
brainwashed with ideas that you do not want them to have.

Teaching children not to defend themselves
is a malicious suggestion for children. This will make your children more prone
to bullying. There will be bullies everywhere, you should always teach your
children to defend and raise their voices against bullies. A lot of parents, especially
Asian and South Asian parents tend to teach children to avoid someone bullying or
even hitting them. This does not help your child. A lot of past incident shows
it traumatizes children and some in their adulthood grows up with severe psychological
issues. Instead teach them to fight back.

Teaching children that they are
perfect or special is self-destructive. Perfection is a lie. They are not
special! When you start teaching them that they are special, they start to grow
narcissistic behavior. Rather teach that they are the same as everyone else. Everyone
has limitations and this should be taught at an early age. We can always work
and push ourselves to become better. No one is born perfect.

Teach your children not to waste their
time obtaining others’ likeness. They must know who values or loves them and
who is important in their life. Teach “not everyone will be your friend and
this is okay”.

Inspire them to eat healthily. Children
have heavily influenced by the eating habits of their parents. So, if you want
your child to eat healthily, you should eat healthily. Not just tell them but
show them the benefits of eating and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Stop celebrating birthdays.
Birthday is celebrations that inspire narcissism. Birthday celebration provides
children with a notion that they are special. They acquire a needy attitude on
their birthday and want everyone to feel happy as they were born on that
particular day. This continues in adulthood. No one is obligated to feel happy
as you are born on a day. Rather than celebrating do the opposite, teach
children to fast on their birthday, take them to graves and tell them it is where
we are reaching with every single day passing by. Teach to feed the poor or
less fortunate.  

Teach them to accept failure.
Life is not only about winning. A big part of it involves failure. The winners
are the ones who positively dealt with failure. Acceptance is the key. A child needs
to learn that they will fail and not win every time. This is okay to fail.

The philosophy of not being
attached to materialistic worldly things and pleasure can be introduced earlier
in life. This begins with setting boundaries. Teaching them not to get
attracted to or desire materials of others. If they want something they are
allowed to ask for or desire it but it does not guarantee that they will get
it. They are never allowed to ask or beg others for the possession of an item.

Teach your children basic life skills
like introducing themselves, starting a conversation, writing skills, typing
skills, and basic self-defense when they are alone.

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